During the spring, summer, and fall, Shenandoah Reserve operates at zero net energy. The amount of energy consumed from the grid is equal to the amount of renewable energy created onsite. The positioning of the house and roof slope make the most of available sunlight, generating an abundance of power.
Water for the property is provided by an onsite well, which taps into the Trinity aquifer. After basic filtration, the water for the house is processed through a reverse osmosis system, ensuring that every drop out of every faucet is sparkling pure.
A key factor to having a home that is sustainable is in choosing the right materials. By using materials that can withstand the elements and the test of time, a home develops character, not problems…for example with a stucco finish, the color is mixed into the plaster coating and won’t ever need to be repainted. The less maintenance needed for a home, the more time there is to do other things and the less impact there is on the environment.